Python Intermediate
This intermediate Python programming course is designed to build on the foundational knowledge of Python. It covers a range of advanced topics and concepts, enabling students to become proficient Python programmers. The course introduces essential data structures, functional programming, and more advanced Python features, such as decorators, generators, and the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)
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8 Enrolled
13 Lessons

Module 1: Lists and Tuples

  1. Understanding Lists and Tuples
  2. List and Tuple Operations
  3. Slicing and Indexing
  4. List Comprehensions
  5. Mutability and Immutability

Module 2: Dictionaries and Sets

  1. Working with Dictionaries
  2. Dictionary Comprehensions
  3. Sets and Set Operations

Module 3: Strings

  1. String Manipulation
  2. String Formatting

Module 4: Lambda Functions

  1. Introduction to Lambda Functions
  2. Anonymous Functions
  3. Using Lambda with Built-in Functions

Module 5: Collections in Python

  1. Collections Module Overview
  2. Counter
  3. defaultdict
  4. namedtuple
  5. deque
  6. OrderedDict

Module 6: Iter Module

  1. Iterators vs. Iterables
  2. Creating Custom Iterators
  3. Itertools Module

Module 7: Decorators

  1. Function Decorators
  2. Class Decorators
  3. Decorator Syntax

Module 8: Generators

  1. Understanding Generators
  2. Generator Expressions
  3. Yield Statement
  4. Lazy Evaluation

Module 9: Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in Python

  1. What is the GIL?
  2. Implications of the GIL
  3. Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing
  4. Mitigating GIL Limitations

Module 10: Context Managers

  1. Context Managers and the with Statement
  2. Writing Custom Context Managers
  3. Using Context Managers with Files, Resources, and Databases
  4. Practical Applications

Module 11: Data Classes in Python

  1. Understanding DataClasses 
  2. Comparison and Sorting in Data Classes



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